It validates the main orientations defined jointly by the general management, the research department and faculty. It is an advisory body whose role is to advise the general management of the IFU (in particular in terms of development policy research). This Committee plays a central advisory role in order to examine and validate the different options strategies adopted by the research laboratory.
It operates completely independently. The IFU has makes this Committee one of the characteristics of the level of excellence that the institution strives to achieve in appointing to its members, scientific experts from high level. It is mainly composed of experts from outside the IFU. It thus provides scientific support from the academic world.
They are made possible by the quality of the members of the Scientific and Educational Committee (the foundation of our research community). This Committee encourages us to develop new synergies between management disciplines and to take advantage of new ways of thinking (pragmatic and interdisciplinary).
They are responsible for verifying the quality of publications and the relevance of the research undertaken (opinions and recommendations of the Committee allow the IFU to position its research according to quality standards), and they ensure that the proposed education programs correspond to the current demands of the business world.
It proposes changes to the training system, proposes research themes by ensuring coherence and the interface between research work and creates working groups which make operational proposals within the framework of defined policies, in different attractive areas.
Our commitment to building the next generation of students is demonstrated by our commitment to the development of DBA and EMBA degrees. The quality sought in teaching and faculty demonstrates the desire to develop results-oriented applied research, in order to help organizations considerably raise their level of operational understanding of their activities, for the benefit of sustainable growth.
The Committee meets once a year. This annual plenary is made up of two parts: the first is devoted to research and the second to pedagogy. Committee members are chosen based on their expertise and their contribution to the industry they represent. They have a consultative and non-decisional role. The minutes which are prepared at the end of each meeting allow the IFU to have a solid basis for reflection to improve its faculty in a continuous and dynamic manner.
The Committee oversees research activities. Its members examine and approve the areas of research. In this context, it takes note of the publications produced during the year and provides contacts to strengthen its relations with the government, academics, members of accreditation bodies, etc. (depending on needs). It gives advice on the recruitment of research professors and ensures that research respects the basic principles of codes of ethics. The Committee provides advice on the link between research and pedagogy and supports the laboratory in its national and international recognition and accreditation strategies. It provides advice on the research training provided to learners within the framework of DBA and EMBA.