As a French university engaged in pragmatic research, innovation and education, it’s up to us to continue pointing the way ahead: to be bold in creating, exploring, curating, sharing and applying new knowledge. This is why our Lab is at the heart of our development strategy
The research laboratory is dedicated to the development of theoretical and applied knowledge in economics, finance and management. The Director of the Lab is Frédéric Teulon, Director of Research and Faculty.
Research plays a central role in the teaching of DBA. IFU views this as part of its social responsibility towards its stakeholders: – vis-à-vis students, research produced by the faculty guarantees that latest developments in management sciences are being transferred to prepare for professional success of tomorrow’s managers; – vis-à-vis our environment (and notably other competing Schools or Universities), research has become an essential differentiation and evaluation factor; – vis-à-vis organisations (and notably, businesses), research benefits help to improve productivity; – vis-à-vis teaching staff, research promotes their employability.
The IFU encourages its professors to conduct and publish their research in professional journals, business publications, newsletters… This strategy is based on: the fact that, building significant research capacity strengthens the credibility of our University and its education. Research creates a virtuous circle which enables the signing of new partnerships with business, attracts the best teaching staff, and finally, the best students.
Our commitment to building the next generation of students is demonstrated through our engagement in the development of doctoral degrees (DBA)
The Director of Research and Faculty is responsible for the scientific policy of the IFU. He defines the objectives and organisation of research, validates the research and publication projects of the teacher-researchers. The Research Department is responsible for organising symposia, university cooperation with private or public laboratories, interfacing with the other boards of IFU and, in consultation with teaching directors and department heads, integrating research into the training courses provided. Under the chairmanship of the Managing Director and the Director of Research and Faculty, all the members of the research team meet 3 to 4 times a year to deal with issues relating to research and the operation of the laboratory. These “Faculty Meetings” are also an opportunity to inform the teacher-researchers of the School’s developments and results.
By working in teams, letting everyone express their ideas, IFU is the best place to develop a career
IFU wants to be renowned for its academic courses and its commitment to the creation and dissemination of management knowledge.
IFU wants to produce research data of a high standard that can be applied in practice for the use of companies, international organizations and the public sector in development and societal decision-making. The central objective of research conducted at IFU is to better understand the factors which lead to sustainable value creation, through studies and methodologies which will enable companies to experience success in international competition, and at the same time, to operate in a manner that is economically, environmentally and socially responsible.
IFU’s research is intented to advance theoretical issues and improve the best practices of business leaders around the world. We also integrate the results of our research into our curriculum, helping to train the next generation of innovative and responsible entrepreneurs and managers.
With the help of IFU’s professoral expertise, our goal is to find solutions to tomorrow’s challenges, guide our business partners, and participate in public debate, in line with the challenges of the 21st century.
We are creators of knowledge. Our ambition: to solve the challenges of today and tomorrow.
We believe that education should take into account everything students experience during each moment of their time at school.
We believe that education should take into account everything students experience during each moment of their time at school.
We believe that education should take into account everything students experience during each moment of their time at school.